Calories in Aloo Paratha - Nutrition and Health Benefits
One large piece (50 grams) aloo paratha has 157 kcal. Calories in an aloo paratha depend on its serving size or quantity in grams. Here is a table of how calories increase with serving size and the number of aloo parathas. Food facts for Aloo Paratha The percentages of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in aloo paratha are 44, 7, and 49, respectively. It is an excellent source of selenium and vitamin D, as well as a good source of dietary fibre and manganese. To keep track of the calories and nutrients in an aloo paratha, use the Hint app. Is aloo paratha healthy for losing weight? Aloo paratha is high in saturated fat despite having fibre and other minerals. Weight gain results from consuming too much saturated fat. Aloo paratha is therefore not recommended for weight loss. Read our blog post on reducing saturated fat consumption to learn how saturated fat affects weight reduction. How can aloo paratha affect diabetes? Aloo paratha has a high glycemic index and saturat...