Indian Diet For Hypothyroidism- Instant Plan



oYou can get a personalized Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism within minutes using the Hint app.

oThis plan helps improve TSH levels, achieve healthy body weight, boosts metabolism, stamina and reduces fatigue.

oHave a look at the do’s, don’ts, and general diet tips to support you in managing hypothyroidism.

oPlease contact us if you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQs.

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Living with hypothyroidism can be difficult, but there is some good news.

You have access to a personalized Indian diet plan created specifically for people living with hypothyroidism!

This article will walk you through all the details.

This is a diet plan to manage hypothyroidism with foods rich in iodine, selenium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

While following this simple and effective diet plan there is no need to buy expensive foods or supplement shakes.

No need for rigorous exercise to lose weight as it offers a healthy and safe workout plan along with the diet plan.

It is safe and you can use this plan to maintain your thyroid at a normal level for the long term.

Using the Hint app, you can get this personalized hypothyroidism plan instantly within minutes. Just download the Hint app and subscribe to the plan.

For more details, email us at or Whatsapp.

Here are the key benefits, plan duration, and frequently asked questions.

Key Benefits

oImproves TSH levels.

oHelps in achieving a healthy body weight.

oBoosts metabolism, and stamina and reduces fatigue.

oElevates your mood and decreases stress.

Plan Type

This is a monthly subscription plan. You can renew it every month, for three months, or once a year.

Diet Type

Taking your dietary preferences into consideration we have the hypothyroidism diet plan available in 3 different diet types, such as

1. Indian vegetarian diet plan for hypothyroidism

This is a vegetarian diet plan containing plant-based foods and dairy products. It does not include eggs, meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.

2. Indian ovo vegetarian diet plan for hypothyroidism

This diet plan includes vegetarian foods and various egg recipes. It does not include meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.

3. Indian non-vegetarian diet plan for hypothyroidism

This plan includes non-vegetarian foods such as meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products in addition to dairy products, eggs, and regular vegetarian foods.


1.       Take your prescribed thyroid medication immediately after you wake up.

2.       Try maintaining a 15 to 30 minutes gap after taking thyroid medication and drinking a glass of dhania (coriander) water.

3.       Dhaniya water helps in improving symptoms of hypothyroidism.

4.       Indulge in regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes early in the morning.

5.       Have your pre-workout meal 15 minutes before starting your exercise.

6.       A proper pre-workout meal is essential to fuel your body and increase your performance.

7.       Eat your breakfast within 30 minutes post your workout to refuel your body and replenish the energy stores.

8.       Eat breakfast along with recommended side dishes such as chutneys, sambar, or boiled egg to make it a balanced meal.

9.       Eat snacks between breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

10.   Drink buttermilk or tea along with your snacks.

11.   Include plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Track your water intake using the Hint app.

12.   Eat brazil nuts as a morning snack. They are filled with selenium, which helps improve thyroid function.

13.   Always eat raw vegetable salad 10 to 15 minutes before a major meal. It provides satiety and helps you prevent overeating.

14.   Avoid large meals. So, follow the portion sizes included in your plan.

15.   Finish your dinner before 9 pm.

16.   Have your bedtime beverage at least 30 to 45 minutes before you sleep.

17.   Turmeric milk is packed with antioxidants and an active compound known as curcumin. Regular consumption of turmeric drinks can help in managing thyroid disorders.

18.   Try to sleep before 11 pm every day.

19.   Sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours daily.

20.   Log your food to track portion sizes and calorie intake.

21.   Use reminders to follow the regularity of meal timings.

22.   Try logging your food every day as it helps in making healthy choices.

23.   Track your activity regularly to understand your calorie burn.

24.   Reduce stress by practicing your hobbies such as gardening, music, reading books and painting, etc.


1.       Avoid skipping meals

2.       Don't starve yourself. It doesn’t help you shed fat.

3.       Avoid taking tea or coffee on an empty stomach. It causes acidity.

4.       Avoid sweet fruits and fruit juices as a pre-workout meal. Only eat recommended fruits as a pre-workout meal.

5.       Do not skip your pre-workout meal.

6.       Avoid deep-fried or processed food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

7.       Do not skip your mid-morning and evening snacks. It leads to cravings and overeating in your next major meal.

8.       Don’t drink coffee or tea after 6 pm.

9.       Don't sit for too long as it decreases metabolism.

10.   Limit the number of times you eat out to once a week. Take your packed lunch to work.

11.   Avoid fasting and feasting.

12.   Don’t have vitamin supplements at the same time as thyroid as they tend to interfere with the absorption of thyroid medication.

13.   Never skip thyroid medication.


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